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JUNE 24 - 26, 2020


We are heading back to Northern MS with Southern Boyz Grabbling to see if we can beat last years record grabbed catfish, weighing in at 81.6 pounds. We are joining Southern Boyz Grabbling Expert Josh Bennet for 2 days full of grabbling, otherwise known as noodling.

This year we will be opening up two separate trips for grabbling with a smaller group of woman on each trip to ensure a successful experience to be had by all. We will only have six spots per trip. The dates for the first trip will be June 25th and 26th and the second trip will be June 27th and 28th. The guide will provide everything we need on the water, including air resporators, tanks, gloves and wetsuits. YES, we will be diving underwater to grab these beasts!!

Travel and food will NOT be included and the closest airport will be in Memphis TN, only about an hour from the lake.

Keep in mind that some of the catfish can be grilled or fried up to perfection for a meal we can all share. This trip is being offered for $750 and includes two full days on the water, a generous tip to our guides and two nights of lodging. Payment plan will be as follows:

$150.00 - Non refundable deposit due at registration

$200.00 - March 1st

$200.00 - May 1st

$200.00 - June 1st

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: PLEASE MAKE ALL PAYMENTS BY THEIR DUE DATES. IF PAYMENTS ARE LATE WE WILL ALWAYS WORK WITH YOU. HOWEVER IF THERE IS NO COMMUNICATION WE WILL ASSUME YOU ARE FORFEITING YOUR SPOT AND ANY PAYMENTS MADE WILL NOT BE REFUNDED. WE WILL THEN REACH OUT TO OUR WAITLIST AND GET YOUR SPOT FILLED BY ANOTHER PARTY. BY REGISTERING FOR ANY HER WILDERNESS TRIP YOU ARE UNDER THE FULL UNDERSTANDING THAT THERE ARE NO REFUNDS. (We are able to offer a partial refund only if we fill your spot with a member on the waiting list. At that time we may be able to refund any additional payments made outside of your deposit. Your deposit is NOT refundable. If your spot does not get filled, we will not be able to offer a refund.)

This is going to be an amazing trip and we would love to have you join. Email with any questions! There are six spots available. Register HERE now to claim yours!

*Once registered, you will be invited to join a Facebook group for the respective trip. There you can discuss packing lists, travel plans, and more. Please be sure you accept the invitation to be in this group.